STAUB : a French story
Founded by Francis Staub in 1974, the STAUB adventure begins in Alsace in eastern France, an area renowned for its rich history and gastronomic tradition. Specializing in kitchen utensils in cast iron and ceramics, the French brand is nowadays a symbol of culinary excellence, authentic cuisine, revealers of flavors but also conviviality.
The Casserole the Staub cast iron casserole, the Cocotte, the flagship of the Staub products range accounts for more than half of the sales of the company. It is interesting to know that this traditional pot has been anchored for generations in the French culinary culture. Do not hesitate to ask at your next meeting with French people if they had a casserole at home? Certainly, most families in France have one for the preparation of their favorite dishes. Today, the Staub cast iron casserole passes elegantly from the kitchen to the table. The guests are de-lighted to find this beautiful object of French culinary tra-dition at the center of the table and often evoke the fond memories of family cooking, strong with emotion and taste. The effect at the table is reinforced by a classic and timeless design but also brilliant colors often directly related to the world of cooking (basil, cinnamon, mustard …). The current share of sales beyond the French borders is over 90%. Member of the Zwilling Group since June 2008.
The choice of chiefs – Good cooking is also the work of chefs. The profession places tremendous confidence in Staub products, a guarantee of a high quality in manufacturing and professional cooking results. In France, nearly half of the Michelin starred chefs work with Staub; In Japan it’s over three quarters! Staub products are acclaimed by top chefs from around the world, including Paul Bocuse, a legend at the top of an institution who has been awarded three Mi-chelin stars for over 50 years. For almost two decades, Staub has been a member of the Bocuse d’Or, the most prestigious and difficult culinary competition in the world. Not only is it present in this stratosphere of gastronomy, but Staub is particularly proud that the 2017 edition of the competition is staging a traditional recipe in a casserole.

Excellent cooking results – Enameled cast iron is a very suit-able material in the kitchen because heat is absorbed and diffused slowly in a homogeneous way. At Staub, engineers work tirelessly to offer innovations in culinary performance. Above all, two important specifications will be noted: the matt black interior and the continuous irrigation system. The first consists of very resistant enamel with a slight roughness for a perfect cooking of meats for example. It’s the secret of its products for a good extraction of the juices and the making of delicious sauces. A glossy coating would ultimately not have the same performance for certain rec-ipes. Tests have been carried out by an internationally re-nowned culinary institute to demonstrate the differences in results between coatings.
« Aroma Rain » is the result of the special design of the lids on Staub casseroles and pans. The cook-ing vapors condense on contact with the lid, concentrating in the form of droplets that fall back onto the ingredients. The integration of raised bumps on the inside wall of the lid allows a homogeneous distribution of the drops over the entire cooking surface. This is what we call « La Pluie d’Arômes ». This system guarantees preserved flavors, tender and tasty dishes. Again, a huge difference with our competitors, the direct result being a more pronounced monitoring of the cooking and a regular addition of cooking juices on the dish being prepared.
Quality and « Made in France » – Each piece is unique and comes from a traditional manufacturing process. From be-ginning to end of the production chain, there are around a hundred control points (visual or technical) to ensure the manufacturing of very high quality products. All cast iron cooking products are made in France, in the North of France. It must be acknowledged that experts in the field of cast iron come from this region with an ancestral industrial his-tory. Today, the value of Made in France is a true guarantee of quality and seriousness, which has contributed enormously to the expansion of the brand in key markets such as North America and Asia. The luxury industry, which is largely made up of French companies, has in parallel promoted the re-nown of traditional French know-how. Haute-couture in the kitchen is also Made in France!